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Youth centre
conferences and celebrations

Dog camps

Marttinen Youth Centre, located in the municipality of Virrat in the region of Pirkanmaa, is also popular among dog owners. The youth centre has excellent facilities for organising various kinds of dog events, camps and trainings. Various dog associations have already used our services.

You can organise dog camps at Marttinen Youth Centre all year round. The courtyard area has a sand field suitable for training as well as an agility course owned by the Virrat-based dog association, Virtain Kirsut ry, which rents out the course. Virrat has plenty of good terrains for tracking training and lakes for water activities, for example.

Marttinen has conference and training facilities of various sizes for up to 200 people, with modern presentation systems. This makes it possible to organise large training events or conferences as part of the camps.

In organising dog and kennel camps, you are helped by

Virtain Kirsut ry, the Virrat-based dog association 

Virtain Kirsut ry has an agility course on the Island of Marttinen, and you can rent the course directly from the organisation. 

Contact persons:

VIPStore Center 

VIPStore Center, a dog and cat equipment and food importer superstore, is located three kilometres from Marttinen. Groups can reserve an excursion to the store in advance. The duration of the excursion is approximately 1.5 hours.


Virrat hunting association, Virtain metsästysseura 

Virtain metsästysseura’s multipurpose centre is located in the village of Rantakunta by the Vermasjärvi Lake, approximately 7 kilometres from Marttinen. The hunting association rents out the centre for our dog camp customers. The centre is surrounded by terrain that works well for lake and ground training.

Contact person: 

  • Seppo Pirttiniemi, tel. +358 44 320 4861

Marttinen’s surroundings 

Marttinen’s surroundings have terrain that is well-suited for hunting, tracking and ground search and rescue training.

Contact person:

Page modified: 14 Feb 2019

Logo of Finnish Youth Centres AssociationMarttinen is one of the eight centres supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

Read more on the websites of Finnish Youth Centres Association


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